Thursday, February 19, 2009

What Have You Done

Do not tell me what you have done
For I saw you, as clear as day
But I will let you have your fun

There and back you constantly run,
To Hester’s cottage is what you say
Do not tell me what you have done

If your parents knew, they would shun
For if they knew where you sometimes lay
But I will let you have your fun

The guilt you carry must weigh a ton
For your sake I kneel down and pray
Do not tell me what you have done

I ponder should I fetch my gun
I swear to god, someday you’ll pay
But I will let you have your fun

Tell me, what should I tell our son
About the hearts you keep and love to play
Do not tell me what you have done
But I will let you have your fun

1 comment:

APLITghosts said...

nice work. good narrative.